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2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report.

A bit old, but still some valuable information for marketers and individuals interested in using social media.

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Dr. Pepper's Mothers Day post

“Doing it Right” utilizing Facebook’s Share.

While we have all seen the Memes that get circulated through facebook on a wave of “shares.” Companies are starting to adopt the viral attitude and some Facebook savvy companies have started creating posts for individuals to share in a more meaningful way. The most recent holiday that we saw this fun use of the […]

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Utilizing Pinterest for Marketing

Pinterest is hot right now, hot like a volcano. According to research Pinterest has in the ballpark of 4 million unique visitors a day and is the third most popular social media network today, beating out both Linkedin and Google+. Pinterest operates as a pinboard sharing platform. Where users can ‘pin’ their favorite images of […]

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