It’s not all about Facebook anymore. More and more users are looking for and utilizing alternatives to Facebook. For example, teens are turning to fresher sites like Foursquare and Pinterest. While there are also those who just want to get away from this giant corporation and instead opt for smaller social media sites. Here are a few upcoming & newer social media sites and a lowdown of what they offer.
Which Top Retailers Use Social Media
We love infographics here at SoCal Marketing Services. This one is especially great showing which top retailers use Social Media and giving some pretty sweet stats to go along with it. Thanks to and for provide the info. Click the image to zoom in.
Utilizing Pinterest for Marketing
Pinterest is hot right now, hot like a volcano. According to research Pinterest has in the ballpark of 4 million unique visitors a day and is the third most popular social media network today, beating out both Linkedin and Google+. Pinterest operates as a pinboard sharing platform. Where users can ‘pin’ their favorite images of […]